Purely in the interest of research I have joined a dating website which I've made reference to in the title of this blog, and the current state of things is, well... see said title.
Initially I joined for free; they're having a free trial period right now and I figured, hey. Why not? Free to check out the merchandise, so to speak. The caveats are that you can't view their picture and you can't go past a certain point in the process - just when you're ready to email directly with them, you are required to join. eDisharmony gets a big big YOU SUCK for this. So I searched online for a discount code and found one eventually that would enable me to continue my pleasant exchange with a couple of guys. I paid and headed straight for their profiles...
What the heck? Am I really that much better looking than any guy my age??! Why do men only a couple of years older than me look like Harley Davidson's ad campaign for the AARP? It's difficult for me to see much older looking men and realize this is my dating pool. Women have been driven to convents over less.
The most disappointing one dresses like the grandfather on Everybody Loves Raymond. His tube socks were up to his waist.
The 48 hours of photograph-less ignorance was indeed bliss... it was a time of endless possibilities. Intelligent, attractive, faithful men! Spiritually matched! Equally yoked! Funny, sporty and smooth in their skin.
Maybe I should have reconsidered those offers I got in the mail to join AARP. They're cheaper than the dating site I joined and I hear there are a lot of single guys in that pool. So what if the pool's in the Physical Therapy wing of Happy Sunsets Retirement Village.

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